Friday, May 21, 2010

Chi-ching boooiiiii

Unfortnately thats not aimed towards us. no. Governments sux fucken shit and all government buildings need to be blown the fuck UP!!!
I'm getting extremely tired of being ripped off from those child support wankers! Fuck those cunts over the ditch too, if it wasnt for her hungusness we wouldnt be in this financial shit, she knows she didnt need to go thru the authourities but nah, she wanted to drain my darling for what eva she could for those 2 spoilt cunty kids over there, aye, fuck those other kids aye cunt!! my kids dont count, you fucking heartless scum of the earth BITCH!!! Fuck if I ever hate anyone on this earth its you, your daughter and your fucking cunt of a grand daughter!! you all sux shit! But hey, have fun living off us aye!

Ok now I need to try to see this situation with reason.

I do know its not the kids fault in all this, and it sux that us adults have taken this to a ratshit level. Its wrong that my baby has decided to disown his older babies over all this money bullshit, its not right and its not fair on them. I hope that oneday he realises this himself and tries to patch things up with them before they lose the guts with him. I dont want that.

His daughter hates me, I know that and i dont give a FUCK coz shes nothing to me now but a horrible memory, something I wasted too much fucking time on and what did I get in return? yeh thats right not a fucking thing! just a fucked up unhappy family, my babis are much better off with her shit around. My girl dont even miss her, her name only comes up in passing now. goood, nothing but a distant memory with the horrible reminder with our financial burdons.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Toning up, toning down.

So i'm like 18 weeks pregnant now and i'm starting to think about the weight that Im putting on. I desperatley need to pull my treadmill back out, Ive started walking to school in the mornings now that its cooled down. Toa loves to get out strolling in his pram. So yes thats me atm, on a weighloss buzz, wait til after I drop though Im gonna go hard out on losing this weight so that by this time next year I should be squeezing my arse back into a size 12. Now that'll be nice aye. So thats a toning up part, now for the toning down.

My foul mouth. I know it doesn't sound good, geez it dont even feel good, I need to cut it out, especially around my babies. I'm lucky Taimana isn't interested in the language yet, she's always telling me off for Although I know where and where not to use it

Had sausages for lunch, yummy too. Got stuck into Taimana's hair yesterday, eggs and all man I'm so over those critterery lil cunts.


26 April 2010.

So thinking back now to the beginning of 2010 I was thinking, simple year, nothing too drastic or dramatic. Well drifting back to the previous coupla years i had had, this year didnt seem to be looking any closer to the up side. I had one problem with one person. Didn't trust her. Not at all. Aaron's oldest Shania, nah, we didnt get along at all, well, in a two face kinda way, fuckall in common you know? Typical teenage bullshit, just shit I didnt feel I had to put up with for so long, she should have snapped out of it by then. see you later. get. Sent her back to NZ.
Everything seems so relaxed now, the atmosphere, mood. Its good and I know its cos I'm more relaxed. Got a few more struggles ahead of us though, a few financial hits are coming our way, I can feel it, better go harder on the lotto tickets aye, never bloody know.

Life here still choice though, family still tight as. I guess this is a start to my blog I suppose. Keep my updates here, and I will try to keep my tongue civil.
2010 is going to be a good year.
Coolies, enjoy then.
